Quality management in accordance with ISO 9001 records, describes and structures all processes in the company so that the quality level can always be measured and continuously improved at all important points. It is ensured that, in addition to the company’s own staff, independent experts can always carry out an assessment and contribute their expertise to the design of the processes. Particular attention is paid to the selection process, quality assurance and ongoing support for interpreters. LingaTel GmbH also provides all services in connection with consecutive remote interpreting in accordance with the DIN EN 8578:2021-11 standard (standard for consecutive remote interpreting).
All interpreters at LingaTel are certified and/or sworn or have a comparable qualification.
When selecting interpreters, the first step is to check their professional qualifications and review and evaluate the documents requested as part of the application process (diplomas, language certificates, certificates, swearing-in). Accreditation is only granted once all the documents required by our quality standards have been submitted.
All interpreters undertake in writing to maintain confidentiality and accept and confirm LingaTel GmbH’s data protection agreement. They also sign a contract in which they undertake to comply with all the standards required by LingaTel. This contract also regulates confidentiality, data protection requirements and basic conduct when working for LingaTel.
This is followed by several interviews in German and several test interviews with an established interpreter of the respective foreign language.
Personal information interviews, in which the interested interpreters are confronted with the expected topics and situations, are an important part of the pre-selection process. All the important requirements of the relevant field of work are also explicitly explained here.
Before the first assignment, the interpreters must take part in an online training course in which they are informed about the individual characteristics and the expected topics. To be able to inform the interpreters about any feedback and possible adjustments, they undergo regular follow-up training.
Topic-specific training for interpreters is important, as they often work in sensitive situations where the accurate transmission of information is of great importance. Interpreters must be able to master the technical language and terminology of the respective subject area to ensure an accurate translation.
For example, if an interpreter is working in a medical setting, they must understand medical terminology, procedures and protocols. When working in a litigation setting, the interpreter must understand the legal system, specific legal terminology and procedures, and when working in a business context, they must understand business terminology and business culture.
It is therefore important that interpreters receive specific training and have experience in the subject area in which they will be working. This can ensure that the interpretation is high quality and accurate, and that important information is not lost or misinterpreted.
We are LingaTel
LingaTel provides interpreters with detailed documentation and briefings on interpreting projects in order to inform them about the specifics of the project and clarify any questions in advance. In addition, qualified staff members are available to answer interpreters’ technical questions or other concerns by telephone at short notice.
Due to the sometimes very stressful nature of the conversations, LingaTel also offers the interpreters used supervision in order to process what they have experienced in follow-up conversations, if necessary. It is a question of the company’s responsibility to provide the interpreters with appropriate opportunities. This ensures the best possible support for the interpreters in connection with the often emotionally challenging topics.
For quality assurance purposes, our responsible employees continuously check the quality of the interpreters with regular spot checks and unannounced test calls. Furthermore, response times are constantly checked and monitored by the system. In addition, the interpreters receive regular feedback from the clients.
Feel free to contact us at any time on 089 / 189 279 200, kontakt@lingatel.de or use our contact forms.