Are you a private customer or do you occasionally need a telephone interpreter? Then our service “TelefonDolmetschen-sofort” is just exactly what you need!
Are you a private customer or do you occasionally need a telephone interpreter? Then our service “TelefonDolmetschen-sofort” is just exactly what you need!
LingaTel is a telephone interpreting service that offers you individual, industry-specific and optimised solutions for worldwide interlingual communication needs. We adapt to your requirements and create a specifically adapted service for telephone interpreting, which allows for maximum flexibility. Our range of services entails the complete technical process with the provision of an individual dial-up number as well as the support and training of interpreters. Depending on your needs our telephone interpreters are able to assist with instantaneous, cross-lingual communication around the clock, seven days a week. Therefore, we are helping you not only to overcome linguistic but also intercultural barriers.
Our contribution to the Corona crisis:
Take advantage of the benefits without fixed costs.
The interpreting service is carried out via the loudspeaker or by means of a three-way conference call. The telephone interpreter interprets the spoken word of each speaker consecutively and in turns. The use of this service does not require any particular technical prerequisites since the service is accessed by dialling a number previously provided by LingaTel. An extension number gives access to the desired language. All you need is a phone. Since the use of our interpreting service is also possible by mobile phone, you remain flexible and not location-bound.
LingaTel currently offers telephone interpreting services for over 70 languages, and more are being added all the time. Geopolitical changes and the individual requirements of our customers ensure that the number of language combinations supported by LingaTel continues to grow. It is not only important to recruit a sufficient number of qualified interpreters, but also to identify and document intercultural peculiarities each time anew in order to be able to ensure that the talks run smoothly.
LingaTel currently works with a pool of more than 850 highly qualified interpreters. The company is by no means satisfied with written proof of professional knowledge in the form of diplomas; rather, the suitability for telephone interpreting and the social and intercultural competence of all language mediators are individually checked and ensured. An internal company code, to which the interpreting specialists must commit, ensures a uniform format and consistently high quality for all conversations.
More than 40,000 conversations per year are interpreted by LingaTel staff and transported in the best language quality via the LingaTel platform. Spontaneously initiated conversations are always a new challenge for the interpreters. The highly qualified and experienced team manages emotionally charged conversation situations just as professionally as business conversations or situations in the medical environment. No matter what the topic, the underlying logic of the platform will always call in the most suitable interpreter for the situation at hand, thus ensuring that every LingaTel telephone interpreting conversation is a success.
Overcoming language barriers with LingaTel, always, everywhere and for everyone!
There are additional options available at LingaTel in order to facilitate your interlingual communication. You might also want to use our translation or video-interpreting service. Find the most suitable solution for you, right here!
"We at ADAC Ambulance Service are very satisfied with the LingaTel telephone interpreting service. The services of the interpreters were as satisfactory as the personal and individual support provided by the LingaTel employees."
LingaTel telephone interpreting is not only relevant in situations which have previously been done by traditional, in-person interpreters, but the possibility of instantaneous and location-independent use of our service allows access to professional interpreters in cases and situations where this has never been possible before.
Welcome to the world of LingaTel!
Thomas Jasper, Managing Director of LingaTel Limited during an interview with Hendrik Heinze of the Bayerische Rundfunk (Bavarian radio station) for the Bayern 2 (Bavaria 2) radio show: Sozusagen (So To Speak).